Processing Departure from inward office of exchange перевод на русский
После оформления заказа, все покупатели площадки Aliexpress могут отслеживать путь своей покупки, точно зная, где находится их товар. Данный сервис доступен всем пользователям ресурса, но, к сожалению, не все знают, что означает то или иное описание. Вполне может быть, что посылка задерживается по определенным причинам. Одной из таких уведомлений является «Processing departure from inward office of exchange». Вот в чем смысл этого статуса.
Прежде всего, не стоит забывать, что Алиэкспресс является интернациональной торговой площадкой. Сроки пребывания зависят от места отправки и получения, таможни, страны и расстояния. Сказать наверняка, сколько будет идти посылка в том или ином случае, невозможно. Поэтому все расчеты могут быть только приблизительными. Говоря о сроках, нельзя забывать о праздничных днях, ведь обработки заказа в это время замедляется.
Как переводится статус, что значит
Буквально, сообщение Processing departure from inward office of exchange переводится на русский как:

После этого возможны несколько сценариев, в зависимости от особенностей доставки. Вполне вероятно, что последующим статусом будет Final delivery – успешное прибытие посылки по месту назначения, можно идти и получать заказ. Кроме того, возможен другой сценарий: Arrived at Sort Facility – покупка доставлена в сортировочный пункт, откуда ее переправят по месту назначения. Сервисы пересылки заявляют, что до момента доставки ориентировочно остается 1-5 суток. Но, как правило, в реальности срок доставки намного больше, от 7 до 10 дней.
Отслеживание статуса позволяет ориентироваться во времени, а сделать это действительно просто. Даже используя онлайн-переводчик можно узнать смысл статуса, но более подробную информацию можно почерпнуть со специализированных ресурсов, на которых расписаны значения статуса.
Ответы@Mail.Ru: Долго еще ждать?
Долго ли ждать еще посылку?Российская Федерация.
Processing,Departure from inward office of exchange
2017-12-23 03:29:48 [RU,102000]
Processing,Arrival at inward office of exchange
2017-12-21 18:29:04 [RU,102000]
Processing,Departure from transit office of exchange
2017-12-21 14:25:45 [RU,102976]
Processing,Departure from inward office of exchange
2017-12-21 14:25:45 [RU,102975]
Left the place of international exchange
2017-12-21 14:25:45 [Vblizi D.Sharapovo]
Processing,Arrival at inward office of exchange
2017-12-21 14:02:37 [RU,102975]
Customs clearance,Released by custom house
2017-12-19 18:56:41 [RU,102976]
Handed over to customs
2017-12-19 18:55:41 [RU,102976]
Held by Custom
2017-12-19 18:55:00 [GMT+8]
Import of international mail
2017-12-19 18:33:41 [RU,102976]
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: RU)
2017-12-19 18:33:00 [GMT+8]
Processing,Arrived at the territory of Russian Federation
2017-12-18 23:07:30 [RU,102976]
Processing,Arrival at inward office of exchange
2017-12-18 23:07:30 [RU,102975]
Arrived to Russian Federation
2017-12-18 23:07:30 [Vblizi D.Sharapovo]
Arrive at destination country
2017-12-18 23:07:00 [GMT+8]
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: RU)
2017-12-18 23:07:00 [GMT+8]
Despatched to overseas (Country code: RU)
2017-12-14 15:36:53 [GMT+8]
Export of international mail
2017-12-14 15:36:00 [SG]
Depart from transit country or district
2017-12-14 15:36:00 [GMT+8]
Hand over to airline
2017-12-11 17:00:00 [GMT+8]
Information Received
2017-12-11 12:27:00
Outbound in sorting center
2017-12-09 09:44:13 [GMT+8]
Received by line-haul
2017-12-09 09:44:13 [GMT+8]
Inbound in sorting center
2017-12-09 03:03:33 [GMT+8]
Accepted by carrier
2017-12-09 02:33:33 [GMT+8]
Waiting for pickup
2017-12-04 19:51:45 [GMT+8]
电子信息已收到 | Электронная информация получена |
Shipment arrived at facility | Сортировка центром 4px Express |
Arrive at facility | Прибыло в промежуточный пункт |
Shipment operation completed | Означает фактическую отправку посылки продавцом через 4PX Express |
Arrive at Airport | Прибытие в аэропорт |
Depart from Airport | Покинуло аэропорт |
Arrival at Singapore | Прибытие в Сингапур |
Item has been registered | Успешно зарегистрировано |
The item is not yet in Posti | Еще не поступило на склад |
Arrival at Destination | Прибыло в пункт назначения |
Depart from facility | Покинуло склад |
Shipment ready | Груз готов |
The item is on its way to the destination country | Товар находится в пути в страну назначения |
Despatched to overseas | Пересекло границу |
Received from Customer | Принято от отправителя |
Shipment information received | Получена информация об отправлении |
Item arrived in the destination country | Товар прибыл в страну назначения |
Despatched to overseas | Отправлена за границу |
Held by Customs at Destination | Таможенное оформление |
Hand over to airline | Погрузка в самолет |
Notification of shipment confirmation | Уведомление о подтверждении отгрузки |
Arrival at Destination (Exchange Office) | Прибытие в пункт назначения |
Transit to Air Transit Centre | Транзит по воздуху |
Arrival at Processing centre | Прибытие в центр обработки |
In transit | В пути |
Picking the operating point | Выбор рабочей точки |
Customs clearance in progress | Таможенное оформление |
Shipment departed from facility | Покинуло промежуточный пункт |
Received at Processing Facility | Принято в промежуточный пункт |
Shipment departed from facility again | Покинуло промежуточный пункт |
Processed Through Facility | Обработка |
Leaving the operating point | Покинуть рабочее пункт |
Packing the operating point | Упаковка рабочей точки |
Arrived at USPS Facility | Прибыл в Учреждение УСПС |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country: XX) — for OM PLUS only | Подготовка к отправке в страну назначения |
Delivery in progress | Поставка |
Departed USPS Facility | Покинул объект УСПС |
delivery fail | доставка не |
Delivery attempted, unsuccessful | Поставка попытка, неудачная |
Item is loaded onto a means of transport, LAT | |
Arrival to destination county Russia | |
送交海关 | Handed to customs |
Despatched from Inward Office of Exchange | |
Outbound from terminal in destination country, the item is left from the terminal to the destination area | Подготовка к отправке |
Handed over to Airline | Погрузка в самолет |
Received at Air Transit Centre | Поступило в транзитный Центр воздуха |
Singapore SGSING,Export of international mail | Сингапур, экспорт международной почты |
Transit to Destination Processing Facility | Обработка транзитного назначения объекта |
Delivered | Доставили |
Arrived at Unit | Прибыли на единицу |
Despatched to ATC | Отправил в УВД |
海关放行 | Customs release |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Left the sorting center | ГКПЗ Домодедово 102320,обработка, покинуло сортировочный центр |
Item delivered | Вручение |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | Прибыл ГКПЗ Домодедово 102320,обработка, в центре сортировки. |
Processing Hub,Received at Processing Facility | |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS 102987,Customs clearance, Released by custom house | Москва-Внуково, таможенное оформление, выпущено таможней. |
离开广州市 发往莫斯科(经转) | Leave Guangzhou sent to Moscow by the turn) |
Ekaterinburg MSC 620960,Processing, Left the sorting center | 620960 Екатеринбург МСЦ,обработка, покинуло сортировочный центр |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS 102987,Reception at custom house | Москва-Внуково, прием на таможню. |
Insert item into bag (Otb) | Вставка элемента в мешке (Отб) |
Returned from overseas | |
Ekaterinburg MSC 620960,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS 102987,Import of international mail, Ekaterinburg | |
Arrival to the delivery office in destination country Russia | |
Ekaterinburg EMS SC 620880,Processing, Left the sorting center | Екатеринбург EMS СЦ 620880,обработка, покинул сортировочный центр |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg | |
Final delivery | Окончательной доставки |
Ekaterinburg EMS SC 620880,Processing, Sorting | |
Reception, Krasnaya Paxra | |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP 102300,Processing, Left the sorting center | Москва-Внуково ГКПЗ 102300,обработка, покинуло сортировочный центр |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-6 102986,Processing, Left the place of international exchange | Москва-Внуково, покинуло место международного обмена. |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP 102300,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novoural`sk | |
Novoural`sk 624130,Delivery, Delivery to the addressee, Страна не определена | |
Shipment delivered | Доставку |
Reception, Novoural`sk | |
Received at Destination Processing Facility | Полученные при переработке назначения |
Reception, Ekaterinburg | |
parcel dispatched from original office | |
Processing (Assigned to bags) | |
Shipmnet arrived at destination country | Shipmnet прибыл в страну назначения |
Novoural`sk 624130,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Страна не определена | |
Singapore SGSING,Processing, Arrived at the place of international exchange | |
Novoural`sk Pochtamt 624139,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
广东省邮政速递物流国际业务营业部花地湾揽投站已收件(揽投员姓名:何文正,联系电话:) | Guangdong postal courier logistics and international business sales Department flowers to Bay embrace cast station has received pieces embrace cast member name: Ho man positive,contact phone:) |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Processing, Storage period expires soon (25 days left) | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Sorting, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
parcel returned | |
Awaiting for departure from Finland | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Proletarskoe | Прибыл ГКПЗ Домодедово 102320,обработка, на территории Российской Федерации, Пролетарское |
Novy`j Urengoj Pochtamt 629329,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
KYIV EMS,Arrival at inward office of exchange | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pos`et 692705 | |
China 52311206,Reception, Kiselevsk 23 652723 | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Left the sorting center, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
being returned from oversea | возвращается из заморского |
China CNCANA,Export of international mail | Китай, экспорт международной почты |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Derbent 368600 | |
Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS 102987,Import of international mail, Perm | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Sorting, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Maxachkala 10 367010 | |
China,Insert item into bag (Otb) | |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Unsuccessful delivery attempt, Impossible to contact customer for information | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
Shipment delivered-Signature by consignee | |
Arrived at the customs of Finland | |
福州中心,离开交航 | Fuzhou center,left cross navigation |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Processing, Left the place of international exchange | Внуково, покинуло место международного обмена. |
Singapore SGSIND,Reception, Sochi 354200 | |
投递并签收,签收人:本人收 | Delivery and receipt, the person who signed for: I receiving |
到达处理中心,来自中国 广州 | Arrival processing center,from Guangzhou, China |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Maxachkala 15 367015 | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Chita 49 672049 | |
In Transit to Destination | В пути к месту назначения |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Sorting, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
北京互换局,已出口开拆 | Beijing swap Bureau,have been exported to open |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Rostov-Na-Donu 56 344056 | |
俄罗斯,邮政局已妥投 | Russia,the post office has been duly administered |
广州互换局,已出口开拆 | Гуанчжоу, было экспортировано |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Derbent 368600 | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Perm | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | Сингапур SGSIND,акцепт, Санкт-Петербург 195427 427 |
广东省邮政速递物流有限公司广州国际业务营业部安排投递,预计23:59:00前投递(投递员姓名:吴文飞;联系电话:) | Guangdong Province postal Express logistics Co., Ltd. Guangzhou business sales Department to arrange delivery, is expected to 23:59:00 before delivery(couriers name: Wu Wen-FEI;Tel.:) |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Processing, Awaiting courier delivery | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
Receipients refused to accept shipment | |
Arrived at the Post office | Прибыл в почтовое отделение |
福州中心,到达 | Fuzhou center,arrives |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Customs clearance, Released by custom house | Внуково. Таможенное оформление,выпущено таможней. |
Depart from Overseas Processing Facility | Покинуло склад |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Import of international mail, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Trudovoe 2 690912 | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
China,Receive item from customer (Otb) | |
Proletarskoe 361011,Delivery, Delivery to the addressee | |
东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心,离开,下一站【东莞中心】 | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office mail processing center,left, next stop [Dongguan center |
China 52311206,Reception, Derbent 368600 | |
Bryansk UKD 241990,Delivery, To the addressee by a courier | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Astraxan` 57 414057 | |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Processing, Sorting | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
Abnormal clearance | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Irkutsk 29 664029 | |
China CNFOCA,Export of international mail | Китай, экспорт международных почтовых отправлений |
RUMOWS,移交海关 | RUMOWS,the transfer of the Customs |
China 35000512,Acceptance, Kaliningrad 16 236016 | |
SINGAPORE EM,Arrival at outward office of exchange | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
广州航站,离开 | Guangzhou terminal,leave |
Delay by Airline / Offloaded | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
departed from export center | отошел от экспортного центра |
Case closed | |
俄罗斯,邮政局试投 | Russia,post test administered |
东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心,已封发 | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office mail processing center,has been dispatched |
Pskov 19 180019,Processing, Handed to a mail carrier | |
Bryansk UKD 241990,Processing, Handed to a courier | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Ufa 75 450075 | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Astraxan` 57 414057 | |
Kanevskaya 353730,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery, Китай | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
福州航站,离开 | Fuzhou terminal,leave |
广州互换局,已出口互封(国内经转) | Guangzhou swap Board,have been exported to the mutual sealing(domestic transit) |
福州互换局,已出口直封 | Фучжоу, бюро обмена,было экспортировано |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Reception at custom house | Внуково,прием на таможню. |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Bryansk 22 241022 | Прибыл в Домодедово 102320,обработка, на территории Российской Федерации, Брянск |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Barnaul 45 656045 | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Ufa 59 450059 | |
Delivered, In/At Mailbox | Доставили, В/В Почтовый Ящик |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
parcel departed from exchange office | посылки отправились из обменного пункта |
Proletarskoe 361011,Unsuccessful attempt of delivery, Temporary absence of the addressee | |
东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心,已收寄 | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office mail processing center,has been posting |
Pskov 19 180019,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery | |
Bryansk UKD 241990,Processing, Awaiting courier delivery | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Left the sorting center, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Astraxan` 57 414057 | |
Kanevskaya Pochtamt 353739,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Sorting | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Moskva 521 127521 | |
福州航站,离开交航 | Fuzhou terminal,leave the cross navigation |
Китай CN, 888880,Прием отправления | |
福州互换局,已出口开拆 | Фучжоу, бюро обмена,было экспортировано |
俄罗斯RUMOWS,到达互换局 | Russia RUMOWS,reach the swap Board |
China 52311206,Reception, Protvino 1 142281 | |
Departure from Transit Office | Вылет из транзитного офиса |
PAK KRET,Out for Delivery | ПАККРЕТ,для доставки |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Pos`et 692705 | |
Arrived at Hub | Прибыл в хаб |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
Proletarskoe 361011,Processing, Handed to a mail carrier | |
China 52311206,Reception, Bogorodick | |
Pskov MSC 180960,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Bryansk UKD 241990,Processing, Sorting | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Sorting, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
Krasnodar MSC 350960,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Moskva 65 107065 | |
Returned to lodger | Вернулся к квартиранту |
福州航站,到达 | Fuzhou terminal,arrival |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Moskva 583 115583 | |
福州市国际小包收寄处理中心,离开,下一站【福州中心】 | Fuzhou International Parcel acceptance processing center,left, next stop【Fuzhou center |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Novy`j Urengoj | |
Arrived at Hong Kong hub | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Il`inskaya | |
PAK KRET,Container Received | ПАККРЕТ,контейнер получил |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Moskva 81 127081 | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Ocher 1 617141 | |
Proletarskoe 361011,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery | |
Shipment arrived at airport | |
Pskov MSC 180960,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
Bryansk MSC 241960,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, My`tishhi 14 141014 | |
Krasnodar MSC 350960,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
Singapore SGSIND,Reception, Moskva 65 107065 | |
Sankt-Peterburg UKD-2 190882,Processing, Handed to a courier | |
北京航站,离开 | Beijing terminal,leave |
福州市国际小包收寄处理中心,已封发 | Fuzhou International Parcel acceptance processing center,has been dispatched |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novy`j Urengoj | |
Derbent 7 368607,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery | |
SPEEDPOST SERVICE CENTRE,Received at Processing Facility | Сервисный центр SPEEDPOST,полученные при переработке |
Bangkok EMS Centre,Items Into Container | ЭМС-Центр Бангкока,предметы в контейнер |
Central Post in Riyadh office — AR RIYADH,Attempted to delivery | |
Singapore SGSIND,Processing, Arrived at the place of international exchange, Sankt-Peterburg 25 191025 | |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Storage | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | |
Clearance processing complete | |
Proxladny`j Pochtamt 361040,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Shipment departed from airport | Груз вылетел из аэропорта |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Pskov 19 180019 | |
Bryansk MSC 241960,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
北京,启运 | Beijing,departure |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Novoderevyankovskaya 353710 | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Samara 110 443110 | |
Sankt-Peterburg UKD-2 190882,Processing, Handed to a courier, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
北京航站,离开交航 | Beijing Airport Terminal,leaving the cross navigation |
福州市国际小包收寄处理中心,已收寄 | Fuzhou International Parcel acceptance processing center,has been posting |
广州航站,离开交航 | Guangzhou terminal,leave the cross navigation |
Derbent UOOP 368619,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Singapore SGSIND,Processing, Arrived at the place of international exchange | Сингапур SGSIND,обработка, прибыло в место международного обмена |
Bangkok EMS Centre,To Customs | ЭМС центре Бангкока,на таможне |
Central Post in Riyadh office — AR RIYADH,Arrived To Office | |
Singapore SGSIND,Acceptance, Sankt-Peterburg 25 191025 | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg 427 195427 | |
parcel arrived at exchange office | посылка прибыла в пункт обмена валют |
Item in process in office of exchange | Элемент в процесс в учреждение обмена |
Nal`chik Pochtamt 360000,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
俄罗斯,到达投递局 | Russia,arrives at the delivery office |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Pskov 19 180019 | |
Moskva-Yaroslavskij Vokzal PZhDP 102100,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Processing, Handed to a courier | |
广州航站,到达 | Guangzhou terminal,arrival |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Pos`et 692705 | |
Sheremet`evo MMPO PCI-7 104007,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Novoderevyankovskaya 353710 | |
离开广州市 发往香港(经转) | Leave Guangzhou sent to Hong Kong after the transfer) |
Sankt-Peterburg UKD-2 190882,Processing, Awaiting courier delivery, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
北京航站,到达 | Beijing Airport Terminal,arrival |
China 35000512,Reception, Proletarskoe | |
Maxachkala MSC 367960,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
SPEEDPOST SERVICE CENTRE,Notification of shipment confirmation | Сервисный центр SPEEDPOST,уведомление о подтверждении отгрузки |
Artem UOOP 692766,Processing, Left the sorting center | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Customs clearance, Released by custom house | |
China 52311206,Acceptance, Kolomna 4 140404 | Китая 52311206,Прием, Коломна 140404 4 |
Moskva UKD-2 130202,Processing, Storage period expires (5 days left), Moskva 65 107065 | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Left the sorting center, Kotel`nich 612600 | |
Shipment fetch by shipper | Отгрузка принести грузоотправителем |
Mr Lc Vnukovo Cex-1 102976,Import of international mail, Proletarskoe | |
Novy`j Urengoj 3 629303,Processing, Arrived at the place of delivery | |
China 52311206,Reception, Pskov 19 180019 | |
Moskva-Yaroslavskij Vokzal PZhDP 102100,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
China 52311206,Reception, Novy`j Urengoj | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs, Pos`et 692705 | |
China 52311206,Reception, Novoderevyankovskaya 353710 | |
Sankt-Peterburg UKD-2 190882,Processing, Sorting, Sankt-Peterburg 264 198264 | |
北京互换局,已出口直封 | Beijing swap Bureau,have been exported straight seal |
广州互换局,已出口直封 | Гуанчжоу, экспортировано |
Maxachkala MSC 367960,Processing, Arrived at the sorting center | |
Domodedovo AOPP 102320,Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg | |
MR LC Vnukovo Cex-4 130210,Processing, Left the sorting center, Kostomuksha 186930 | |
Moskva EMS MMPO 130980,Handed over to customs | |
Send item abroad (EDI-received) | Отправить товар за границу (ЭОД-получил) |
Departed from export center | |
Hand over to airline. | |
The package depart from facility. | |
Operation completed | |
Arrived at facility and measured. | |
Item not picked up by courier | |
Arrive at destination country | |
Arrived at destination country | |
Airline arrived at destination country | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: US) | |
Received by line-haul | |
Outbound in sorting center | |
Fpx pciked up . | |
Inbound in sorting center | |
Accepted by carrier | |
Shipment confirmation | |
Item received at Sorting center | |
Unsuccessful delivery attempt — Uncompleted address | |
Item under processing at Post Office | |
Item received at Post Office | |
Item sent to delivery office | |
Прибыло в страну назначения | |
Прибыла в страну назначения | |
Airline arrive at destination country | |
Покинула пункт экспорта | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: LB) | |
Передано авиакомпании | |
Передана авиакомпании | |
Прибыла в промежуточный пункт | |
Операция завершена | |
Принято к перевозке | |
Покинуло сортировочный центр | |
Прибыло в сортировочный центр | |
Принято перевозчиком | |
Электронная регистрация отправления | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: LB) | |
Ожидание получения посылки от отправителя | |
Передано авиакомпании. | |
Покинула промежуточный пункт | |
Отправление прибыло в страну назначения – возможно последняя информация об отслеживании отправления, отправление будет скоро доставлено | |
Обработка закончена в пункте отправки | |
Отправление обработано | |
Отправление убыло с транзитного терминала | |
Прибыло на распределительный центр DHL | |
В пути к распределительному центру DHL | |
Электронное уведомление получено | |
Departure from SFC warehouse | |
Arrive SFC warehouse in processing | |
SFC driver pick-up | |
Shipment information sent to SFC | |
Shipment arrived at destination country | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: ZA) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: ZA) | |
Waiting for pick up | |
fpx sign | |
Waiting for pickup | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: MD) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MD) | |
Parcel information received |
processing departure from transit office of exchange — с итальянского на русский
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sweden — /sweed n/, n. a kingdom in N Europe, in the E part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. 8,946,193; 173,732 sq. mi. (449,964 sq. km). Cap.: Stockholm. Swedish, Sverige. * * * Sweden Introduction Sweden Background: A military power during the 17th… … Universalium
Peru — Peruvian /peuh rooh vee euhn/, adj., n. /peuh rooh /, n. 1. Spanish, Perú /pe rddooh /. a republic in W South America. 24,949,512; 496,222 sq. mi. (1,285,215 sq. km). Cap.: Lima. 2. a city in N central Indiana. 13,764. 3. a city in N Illinois. 10 … Universalium
Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… … Universalium
Belgium — /bel jeuhm/, n. a kingdom in W Europe, bordering the North Sea, N of France. 10,203,683; 11,779 sq. mi. (30,508 sq. km). Cap.: Brussels. French, Belgique /bel zheek /; Flemish, België /bel khee euh/. * * * Belgium Introduction Belgium Background … Universalium
processing departure from transit office of exchange — с английского на русский
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sweden — /sweed n/, n. a kingdom in N Europe, in the E part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. 8,946,193; 173,732 sq. mi. (449,964 sq. km). Cap.: Stockholm. Swedish, Sverige. * * * Sweden Introduction Sweden Background: A military power during the 17th… … Universalium
Peru — Peruvian /peuh rooh vee euhn/, adj., n. /peuh rooh /, n. 1. Spanish, Perú /pe rddooh /. a republic in W South America. 24,949,512; 496,222 sq. mi. (1,285,215 sq. km). Cap.: Lima. 2. a city in N central Indiana. 13,764. 3. a city in N Illinois. 10 … Universalium
Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… … Universalium
Belgium — /bel jeuhm/, n. a kingdom in W Europe, bordering the North Sea, N of France. 10,203,683; 11,779 sq. mi. (30,508 sq. km). Cap.: Brussels. French, Belgique /bel zheek /; Flemish, België /bel khee euh/. * * * Belgium Introduction Belgium Background … Universalium
Дата | Страна | Адрес | Статус |
06/07/18 13:41 | RU | 350063, Krasnodar 63 | Processing, Arrival at delivery office |
06/07/18 11:24 | RU | 350960, Krasnodar MSC | Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
06/07/18 09:38 | RU | 350960, Krasnodar MSC | Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
04/07/18 16:03 | RU | 102150, Moskva-Paveleckij Vokzal PZhDP | Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
04/07/18 07:10 | RU | 102150, Moskva-Paveleckij Vokzal PZhDP | Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
04/07/18 03:25 | RU | 102000, Moskva-Kazanskij Vokzal PZhDP | Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
04/07/18 03:06 | RU | 102000, Moskva-Kazanskij Vokzal PZhDP | Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
03/07/18 09:42 | RU | 102900, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO | Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
03/07/18 09:42 | RU | 102901, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO Pi-30 | Processing, Departure from transit office of exchange |
03/07/18 04:20 | RU | 102901, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO Pi-30 | Customs clearance, Released by custom house |
03/07/18 04:18 | RU | 102901, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO Pi-30 | Handed over to customs |
03/07/18 04:17 | RU | 102901, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO Pi-30 | Import of international mail |
02/07/18 21:13 | RU | 102900, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO | Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
02/07/18 21:13 | RU | 102902, Moskva-Kazanskij Vkz. PZhDP MMPO Cex Obmena | Processing, Arrived at the territory of Russian Federation |
29/06/18 09:28 | DE | 500983, Russian Post Berlin Cp | Export of international mail |
27/06/18 15:11 | DE | 500983, Russian Post Berlin Cp | Acceptance, Composite |
26/06/18 09:36 | GB | In transit | |
26/06/18 09:20 | GB | Accepted |